A science class conducted an experiment to learn more about solutions and their boiling points. The class broke up into three groups. Group 1 followed this procedure: Place a 1-liter beaker filled with 500 mL of water on a hot plate. Add 5.0 g of table salt, and stir until it is dissolved. Carefully place a thermometer in the beaker with the solution. Turn the hot plate on until the water boils, and then measure and record the temperature. Turn off the hot plate, and allow 5 minutes for the solution to cool. Pour out the solution and rinse the beaker. Conduct steps 1-6 two more times. The other groups followed the same procedure, but each group added different amounts of table salt. The table below shows the data collected by each of the groups. Group Amount of Table Salt Added (g) Trial 1 Boiling Point (°C) Trial 2 Boiling Point (°C) Trial 3 Boiling Point (°C) Average Boiling Point of Solution (°C) 1 5.0 101.9 102.2 101.7 101.9 2 10.0 104.1 103.8 103.8 103.9 3 15.0 105.0 105.3 105.2 105.2 3 What was the outcome (dependent) variable of this experiment?

The outcome (dependent) variable in this experiment was the boiling point of the solutions.

The outcome (dependent) variable of this experiment was the boiling point of the solution.