Isabel is running for president of the chess club, and she received

votes. There are
members in the club. What percentage of the club members voted for Isabel?

To find the percentage of the club members who voted for Isabel, we need to divide the number of votes she received by the total number of members in the club and then multiply by 100%.

Percentage of members who voted for Isabel = (5/20) x 100% = 25%

Therefore, Isabel received the vote of 25% of the members in the chess club.

To find the percentage of club members who voted for Isabel, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the percentage by dividing the number of votes Isabel received by the total number of club members and multiplying by 100.

Percentage = (Votes for Isabel / Total number of club members) * 100

Step 2: Substitute the given values into the formula.

Percentage = (5 / 20) * 100

Step 3: Simplify the expression.

Percentage = 0.25 * 100

Step 4: Calculate the answer.

Percentage = 25%

Therefore, 25% of the club members voted for Isabel.