Heather drove 265 miles using 10 gallons of gas. At this rate, how many gallons of gas would she need to drive 424 miles?

We can use a proportion to solve this problem:

265 miles / 10 gallons = 424 miles / x gallons

Cross-multiplying, we get:

265x = 4240

Dividing both sides by 265:

x = 16

Therefore, Heather would need 16 gallons of gas to drive 424 miles.

To find out how many gallons of gas Heather would need to drive 424 miles, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

Let's define the variables:
- Miles driven: M
- Gallons of gas used: G

We are given the following information:
- Heather drove 265 miles using 10 gallons of gas.
- We want to find how many gallons of gas she would need to drive 424 miles.

Based on the given information, we can set up the proportion:

265 miles / 10 gallons = 424 miles / G gallons

To solve for G, we can cross-multiply and solve for G:

265 * G = 10 * 424

G = (10 * 424) / 265

Let's calculate the value of G:

G = 4240 / 265

G ≈ 16

Therefore, Heather would need approximately 16 gallons of gas to drive 424 miles at the same rate.