bucket holds 10.5litters. A cup holds about 320ml. Estimate the number of cups of water that the bucket holds

10.5 liters is equal to 10,500 ml.

Divide 10,500 ml by 320 ml per cup:

10,500 ÷ 320 = 32.81

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the bucket holds approximately 33 cups of water.

To estimate the number of cups of water that the bucket holds, we can use the fact that 1 liter is equal to 1000 ml.

First, let's convert the bucket's capacity from liters to milliliters:
10.5 liters = 10.5 * 1000 ml = 10500 ml

Now, we can divide the total capacity of the bucket by the capacity of one cup to estimate the number of cups of water it holds:
10500 ml / 320 ml ≈ 32.81

Therefore, the bucket can hold around 32.81 cups of water.