Place A

A regional council office; one hotel; one library; a visitor information centre; one museum; two medical clinics; one airstrip; one police station; one primary school; one church; one geothermal power station; clean drinking water; interstate road transport stop; main roads in and out are developmental roads; one race track; 632 km to the nearest railway; visiting health specialists; several social clubs; garbage collection; caravan park; two service stations; a post office (mail service twice a week); one art gallery; regional emergency services; internet access.

Place B
Two major highways running in and out; railway lines and stations which service commuters and goods; port facilities; three main shopping centres; movie theatres; banks; paths and bikeways; botanic gardens; three hospitals; one airport; transit coach services; 24 schools; one TAFE college; two campuses for two universities; a local council; sporting fields; several radio stations and access to five television networks; one daily newspaper; sewerage works; churches; a town hall; a court house; three police stations; emergency services; garbage collection.

which place has fewer services:
a or b ?

Place A has fewer services compared to Place B.

b. Suggest two reasons why someone might choose to live in this place with fewer services.

Two reasons why someone might choose to live in Place A with fewer services could be:

1. The slower pace of life: Living in a place with fewer services can offer a more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle that some people may prefer.

2. A closer sense of community: Fewer services can create a closer-knit community where people rely on each other for support and help, which can be appealing to some individuals who value social connections.

Two reasons why someone might choose to live in Place A with fewer services could be:

1. The slower pace of life: Living in a place with fewer services can offer a more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle that some people may prefer.

2. A closer sense of community: Fewer services can create a closer-knit community where people rely on each other for support and help, which can be appealing to some individuals who value social connections.

Great answer! That is correct.

c. Name a service or facility you consider is needed to make this place more liveable and explain your choice.

One service or facility that would make Place A more livable is a supermarket or grocery store. This is because having access to fresh food and essential goods is a fundamental requirement for any community, and without a local supermarket, residents of Place A may need to travel far distances to access supplies, which can be inconvenient and expensive. Additionally, a local supermarket could provide employment opportunities for residents and contribute to the local economy.

Place A is approximately 1586 km west of Brisbane and 720 km south of Mt Isa

where would that be ?

Based on the given information, Place A would be located in the western region of Queensland, Australia. It is approximately 1586 km west of Brisbane, which is located in the southeastern region of Queensland, and around 720 km south of Mt Isa, which is located in the northern region of Queensland. Without further information, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of Place A.

could you pin point it a little bit more ?

like what suburb it would be neat ?