A composition depicting the action of translation in geometry. Centered in the image is an arrow originating from a vibrant blue square, indicating the figure being moved. Four distinct arrows each pointing to a different direction, representing up, down, left and right, branch out from the square. The background is filled with minimal geometric shapes, providing a sense of mathematical abstraction. Make sure no text is included in the image.

When you translate a geometric figure vertically, in which directions might you be moving the figure

When translating a geometric figure vertically, you can move the figure in two possible directions: up or down.

When you translate a geometric figure vertically, you are moving the figure either upwards or downwards along the y-axis.

How would you describe the effect on the coordinates of the vertices of a figure that is translated down 4 units and to the right 3 units?(1 point)

When you translate a geometric figure vertically, you are changing its position on the vertical axis. In other words, you are moving the figure up or down.

To understand this concept visually, consider a square on a coordinate plane. Let's say the coordinates of the vertices of the square are: A(2,2), B(5,2), C(5,5), and D(2,5).

If you want to translate the square vertically, you can:

1. Move the figure up: Increase the y-coordinate of each vertex by the same amount. For example, if you want to move it up by 3 units, add 3 to each y-coordinate. The new coordinates would be: A(2,5), B(5,5), C(5,8), and D(2,8).

2. Move the figure down: Decrease the y-coordinate of each vertex by the same amount. For example, if you want to move it down by 2 units, subtract 2 from each y-coordinate. The new coordinates would be: A(2,0), B(5,0), C(5,3), and D(2,3).

Remember that the translation of a figure does not change its shape or size, but only its position in space.

When you translate a geometric figure vertically, in which directions might you be moving the figure?(1 point)



up or diagonally
up or diagonally

left or right
left or right

up or down