What is the new point after rotating the point (3,-5) 180 degrees clockwise

When rotating a point 180 degrees clockwise, the x and y coordinates are each multiplied by -1 and switched in place.

So, the new x coordinate becomes -3 and the new y coordinate becomes 5.

Therefore, the new point is (-3,5).

To find the new position after rotating a point (3, -5) 180 degrees clockwise, you can use the following steps:

1. To rotate a point 180 degrees clockwise, we need to change the signs of both the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate.

2. So, the new x-coordinate will be the negative of the old x-coordinate, and the new y-coordinate will be the negative of the old y-coordinate.

New x-coordinate = -3
New y-coordinate = -(-5) = 5

3. Therefore, the new point after rotating (3, -5) 180 degrees clockwise is (-3, 5).