It takes Tyler, traveling at 36mph

, 10
minutes longer to go a certain distance than it takes Ricky traveling at 48mph
. Find the distance traveled.

Let the distance traveled be d.

We know that time = distance/speed.

For Tyler: time = d/36

For Ricky: time = d/48

We also know that Tyler takes 10 minutes longer than Ricky, which is 1/6 of an hour.

So we can set up the equation:

d/36 = d/48 + 1/6

Multiplying both sides by the least common multiple of 36 and 48 (144), we get:

4d = 3d + 24

Simplifying, we get:

d = 24

Therefore, the distance traveled is 24 miles.

To find the distance traveled, we need to determine the extra time it takes for Tyler compared to Ricky.

Let's first convert the time difference from minutes to hours.

10 minutes is equal to 10/60 = 1/6 hours.

Now, we can set up an equation using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed.

For Ricky, the time is the time it takes for him to travel the distance at 48 mph, which is t hours.

For Tyler, the time is the time it takes for him to travel the same distance at 36 mph, which is t + 1/6 hours.

Since the distance is the same for both, we can write the equation:

Distance / 48 = Distance / 36 + 1/6.

To solve for the distance, we can cross-multiply and solve the resulting equation:

36 * Distance = 48 * Distance + 8.

36 * Distance - 48 * Distance = 8.

-12 * Distance = 8.

To isolate Distance, divide both sides of the equation by -12:

Distance = 8 / -12.

Therefore, the distance traveled is -8/12, which simplifies to -2/3.

However, distance cannot be negative. Therefore, we conclude that there is an error in the problem statement, as the distance cannot be determined with the given information.