the number of moles in 6.022*10^24 atoms of cobalt

The number of moles in 6.022*10^24 atoms of cobalt can be calculated using Avogadro's number (6.022*10^23) as follows:

1 mole of cobalt contains 6.022*10^23 atoms (Avogadro's number)
Therefore, the number of moles in 6.022*10^24 atoms of cobalt is:

6.022*10^24 atoms / 6.022*10^23 atoms/mol = 10 moles

So there are 10 moles of cobalt in 6.022*10^24 atoms.

Tracy is starting a food drive at school. Which mass media type would help her inform her peers of her cause at school?(1 point)







Which sentence contains a signal for the reader that an opinion is included?(1 point)


George Smith was class president in high school.
George Smith was class president in high school.

George Smith is the most qualified candidate.
George Smith is the most qualified candidate.

George Smith has over 20 years of experience.
George Smith has over 20 years of experience.

George Smith supports after-school programs.

George Smith is the most qualified candidate.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Only the elite wear our shoes!

Which of the following describes the purpose of this slogan?

(1 point)

to inform the viewer of a new brand of shoes
to inform the viewer of a new brand of shoes

to educate the viewer about the quality of the shoes
to educate the viewer about the quality of the shoes

to entertain the viewer with fashionable shoes
to entertain the viewer with fashionable shoes

to persuade the viewer to buy new shoes

to persuade the viewer to buy new shoes

How is bias used by the media?(1 point)


to inform viewers about events
to inform viewers about events

to slant viewers’ opinions on something
to slant viewers’ opinions on something

to educate viewers on political issues
to educate viewers on political issues

to warn viewers of stereotyping
to warn viewers of stereotyping

to slant viewers’ opinions on something

Bethany saw an advertisement for a new face wash promising to eliminate blemishes forever. Which of the following describes something Bethany should do before buying this product?(1 point)


look for celebrity endorsements
look for celebrity endorsements

watch more ads for the product
watch more ads for the product

see if any friends have used it.
see if any friends have used it.

research ingredients and reviews
research ingredients and reviews