Provide four strategies that communities could engage in to protest gender based violence in their areas

1. Awareness-raising campaigns: Communities can organize campaigns such as rallies, marches, and public discussions to raise awareness about gender-based violence. These campaigns can involve various stakeholders such as community leaders, law enforcement agencies, health organizations, and civil society groups.

2. Education and Training: Communities can engage in activities that promote gender sensitivity and provide education and training on how to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. This could include initiatives such as educational workshops, informal talks, and training sessions for key stakeholders such as victims, witnesses, law enforcement agencies, and community leaders.

3. Advocacy: Communities can engage in advocacy to influence policies and structures that contribute to gender-based violence. Advocacy strategies could involve lobbying for the inclusion of provisions that address gender-based violence in national laws and policies, and also pushing for better resources to address the issue.

4. Support Services: Communities can offer support services such as shelters, legal aid, counselling, and medical services to victims of gender-based violence. Support services can be provided by NGOs, survivors, community leaders, and faith-based organizations to those affected by gender-based violence.

Here are four strategies that communities could engage in to protest gender-based violence in their areas:

1. Raise Awareness: Communities can start by raising awareness about gender-based violence and its impact on individuals and society. This could be done through public campaigns, workshops, panel discussions, or social media campaigns. The goal is to educate community members about the prevalence, causes, and consequences of gender-based violence, as well as challenging harmful cultural norms and attitudes.

2. Advocate for Policy Change: Communities can engage in advocacy efforts to push for policy change that addresses gender-based violence. This includes advocating for stronger laws, policies, and regulations to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable. Community members can meet with local authorities, legislators, or governmental bodies to discuss the need for change and collaborate on drafting or amending legislation.

3. Support Survivors: Communities should establish support systems for survivors of gender-based violence. This can include creating safe spaces for survivors to share their experiences, providing counseling, legal assistance, and access to healthcare services. Collaborating with local organizations and institutions, such as women's shelters or counseling centers, can help provide comprehensive support to survivors.

4. Engage Men and Boys: Communities should actively engage men and boys in the conversation surrounding gender-based violence. This can involve organizing workshops and discussions to challenge toxic masculinity, address harmful gender stereotypes, and promote healthy relationships. Engaging men and boys is crucial in addressing the root causes of gender-based violence and fostering long-term change.

Remember, these strategies should be adapted to the specific context and needs of each community. Collaboration with local organizations, authorities, and survivors is essential for effective and sustainable change.