Whose members share similar attitude. What is it function

The function of a group whose members share similar attitude depends on the specific group in question. Some possible functions could include providing social support and companionship, promoting advocacy and activism for a specific cause or issue, sharing knowledge or expertise related to a particular interest or hobby, or creating a sense of belonging and identity for individuals with shared beliefs or values.

It seems like your question is asking about a group whose members share a similar attitude and what their function or purpose is. There can be various groups or organizations that meet this criteria, so it's hard to provide a specific answer without more context. However, in general, groups with members sharing similar attitudes often come together to pursue common goals, advocate for particular causes, or support each other in specific areas. Examples include:

1. Interest groups: These are organizations formed by people who share a common interest or passion, whether it's related to hobbies, sports, culture, or other specific topics. Their function can be to engage in the activity or cause they are interested in, share knowledge and resources, and create a community of like-minded individuals.

2. Advocacy groups: These organizations aim to promote a specific cause or agenda, such as environmental conservation, social justice, or animal rights. Members of these groups typically share a similar attitude or belief about the issue they are advocating for, and their function is to raise awareness, lobby for policy changes, and work towards achieving their goals.

3. Support groups: These groups are formed to provide emotional, practical, or informational support to individuals facing similar challenges or experiences. Examples include support groups for people dealing with addiction, grief, mental health issues, or specific medical conditions. The function of these groups is to offer a safe space for members to share their experiences, receive guidance, and find mutual support.

These are just a few examples, but there are countless other groups with members who share similar attitudes and functions that cater to different interests, causes, or needs.