When you go to an interview what should you take a. A friend to provide moral support b. Your portfolio resume and list of references c. A motivational CD that you can listen to while you wait

The correct answer is b. Your portfolio, resume, and list of references. It is important to come prepared with your work samples, professional resume, and a list of contacts who can vouch for your abilities. Bringing a friend for moral support is not necessary and may even be seen as a distraction, while bringing a motivational CD is not relevant to the interview.

When you go to an interview, the following items are recommended to take:

b. Your portfolio, resume, and list of references:
- Your portfolio should include samples of your work or any relevant projects you have completed.
- Your resume should be up-to-date and tailored to the specific job you are applying for.
- A list of references is important to provide contact information for individuals who can vouch for your skills and work ethic.

It is not recommended to bring:

a. A friend to provide moral support:
- While moral support can be helpful, interviews are typically meant to be one-on-one interactions between the candidate and the interviewer. Bringing a friend may give the impression that you are not confident or independent.

c. A motivational CD that you can listen to while you wait:
- It's important to be focused and attentive during the interview process. Listening to a CD may distract you from important cues or information during the interview, and it may also be seen as unprofessional. It's best to remain engaged and present in the moment.