how does finding the square root of a number compare to finding the cube root of a number use the number 64 in your explanation.

Finding the square root of a number means finding a number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number. The symbol used for representing a square root is √. For example, the square root of 64 is √64 = 8, because when we multiply 8 by itself, we get 64.

Finding the cube root of a number means finding a number that when multiplied by itself three times gives the original number. The symbol used for representing a cube root is ³√. For example, the cube root of 64 is ³√64 = 4, because when we multiply 4 by itself three times, we get 64.

Comparing the two, we can see that finding the cube root is a bit more complex than finding the square root because we have to multiply the number three times instead of just twice. Also, the cube root of a number is usually a smaller value than the square root of the same number. For example, in the case of 64, the cube root is 4 and the square root is 8.

In summary, finding the square root of a number means finding a number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number, and finding the cube root of a number means finding a number that when multiplied by itself three times gives the original number. While both are important mathematical concepts, finding the cube root is a bit more complex and usually results in a smaller value than finding the square root of the same number.

To find the square root of a number, you need to find the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives you the original number. On the other hand, to find the cube root of a number, you need to find the value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives you the original number.

Using the number 64 as an example:
1. Square root of 64: The square root of 64 is 8 because 8 * 8 = 64. So, the square root of 64 is 8.

2. Cube root of 64: The cube root of 64 is 4 because 4 * 4 * 4 = 64. So, the cube root of 64 is 4.

In summary, the square root of a number finds a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number, while the cube root finds a value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives the original number. In the case of 64, the square root is 8, and the cube root is 4.