Why did Alaska become a part of the United States?

A. Because the Germans wanted to profit from the sale of the land.
B. Because Russia wanted to get rid of it and America wanted it for trade reasons.
C. Because there was a lot of oil found there
D. The United States did not want the land that would become Alaska

B. Because Russia wanted to get rid of it and America wanted it for trade reasons.

B. Because Russia wanted to get rid of it and America wanted it for trade reasons.

The acquisition of Alaska by the United States was mainly driven by economic and strategic interests. In the mid-19th century, Russia, which controlled Alaska, began to consider selling the territory due to financial difficulties and concerns about its ability to defend it. At the same time, American politicians and traders saw the value of Alaska for its potential in trade and resources.

In 1867, the United States negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in a deal known as the Alaska Purchase. Secretary of State William H. Seward advocated for the purchase as he believed in expanding American territory and trade opportunities. The acquisition of Alaska provided the United States with access to valuable natural resources such as fish, timber, and minerals. It also secured a strategic foothold in the Pacific region.