Write a list of the top 11 livable city's on earth

1. Vienna, Austria

2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. Copenhagen, Denmark
5. Toronto, Canada
6. Helsinki, Finland
7. Vancouver, Canada
8. Adelaide, Australia
9. Sydney, Australia
10. Zurich, Switzerland
11. Munich, Germany

Certainly! Here is a list of the top 11 most livable cities on Earth:

1. Vienna, Austria: Known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare system, and cultural offerings.
2. Melbourne, Australia: Renowned for its quality of life, vibrant arts scene, and urban environment.
3. Auckland, New Zealand: Recognized for its beautiful natural landscapes, safety, and healthcare services.
4. Munich, Germany: Noted for its exceptional education system, strong economy, and efficient infrastructure.
5. Vancouver, Canada: Famous for its stunning natural beauty, high quality of life, and diverse cultural scene.
6. Zurich, Switzerland: Praised for its cleanliness, safety, and strong economy.
7. Copenhagen, Denmark: Recognized for its sustainable living initiatives, efficient public transportation, and strong social welfare system.
8. Sydney, Australia: Known for its iconic landmarks, good healthcare, and recreational opportunities.
9. Helsinki, Finland: Renowned for its education system, clean environment, and high safety levels.
10. Tokyo, Japan: Noted for its excellent public transport, advanced technology, and low crime rates.
11. Stockholm, Sweden: Praised for its excellent healthcare system, high safety levels, and focus on sustainability.

Please note that livability rankings can vary based on different surveys and criteria used.