Tom works for a company. His nomal rate of pay is £15 per hour. When Tom works more than 7 hours per day, he is paid overtime for each hour he works more than 7 hours. Tom's rate of overtime pay per hour is 1 times his normal rate of pay pe On Monday Tom worked for 11 hours. Work out the total amount of money Tom earned on Monday. The final line of your answer must say, Total =​

Tom's normal working hours on Monday are 7 hours, for which he will be paid £15 x 7 = £105.

Tom worked for an additional 4 hours on Monday, for which he will receive overtime pay. His overtime rate is 1 x £15 = £15 per hour.

So, Tom's overtime earnings for Monday are equal to £15 x 4 = £60.

Therefore, the total amount Tom earned on Monday is £105 + £60 = £165.

Total = £165

To calculate the total amount of money Tom earned on Monday, we need to calculate both his regular pay and his overtime pay.

Step 1: Calculate regular pay for 7 hours:
Regular rate = £15 per hour
Regular pay = Rate x Hours = £15 x 7 = £105

Step 2: Calculate overtime pay for the additional hours:
Overtime rate = 1 times the regular rate = 1 x £15 = £15 per hour
Overtime hours = Total hours worked - 7 hours = 11 - 7 = 4 hours
Overtime pay = Overtime rate x Overtime hours = £15 x 4 = £60

Step 3: Calculate the total amount earned:
Total amount earned = Regular pay + Overtime pay = £105 + £60 = £165

Therefore, the total amount of money Tom earned on Monday is £165.
Total = £165