Fill in the blank.

Although pine lilacs and ferns are all vascular, ferns do not have _______.


FIll in the blank.

_________________ is the process of grouping things together based on their similarities.


FIll in the blank.

_________________ is the scientific study of how organisms are classified.


Lesson 2, Common Characteristics Code Phrase

Some code phrases that could represent Lesson 2, Common Characteristics, are:

- Grouping by similarities
- Taxonomy basics
- Vascular vs. non-vascular
- Seed-bearing vs. spore-bearing
- Evolutionary relationships
- Shared traits and ancestry
- Classifying living things
- Morphology and genetics
- Biological diversity and unity
- Systematics and phylogenetics

Fill in the blank.

"Panthera" is the _________ while "Panthera leo" is the __________.

"Panthera" is the genus while "Panthera leo" is the species.

Fill in the blanks.

Domain: __________ because they are made of cells whose structures have membranes

Kingdom: ________________ because they're animals

Phylum: ______________ because they have a backbone

Class: ___________ because they are birds

Order: ___________ because it is an owl

Family: ___________ because they belong to the barn owl family

Genus: ____________ meaning "night owl"

Species: ___________ meaning "white night owl" (single type of organism)