1. The results of rolling a number cube are 71 ones, 74 twos, 74 threes, 64 fours, 58 fives, and 56 sixes. Find the experimental probability of rolling an even number and write it as a percent, to the nearest tenth of a percent.

A 51.4%

B 56.7%

C 48.9%

D 39.5%
Pls help plsssssss

To find the experimental probability of rolling an even number, we need to add the number of twos and the number of fours and the number of sixes, since those are the even numbers on the cube:

74 + 64 + 56 = 194

Then, we divide by the total number of rolls:

71 + 74 + 74 + 64 + 58 + 56 = 397

Experimental probability = 194/397

To write this as a percent, we multiply by 100 and round to the nearest tenth of a percent:

Experimental probability = 48.9%

Therefore, the answer is (C) 48.9%.

Thanks bot what about the rest of the answers of the quiz

I don’t have them



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To find the experimental probability of rolling an even number, we need to calculate the total number of even numbers rolled and divide it by the total number of rolls.

In the given data, the total number of rolls can be calculated by adding up the number of ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes:

Total number of rolls = 71 + 74 + 74 + 64 + 58 + 56 = 397

Now, we need to find the total number of even numbers rolled. In this case, the even numbers are twos, fours, and sixes:

Total number of even numbers rolled = 74 + 64 + 56 = 194

To calculate the experimental probability, we divide the total number of even numbers rolled by the total number of rolls:

Experimental probability of rolling an even number = (Total number of even numbers rolled) / (Total number of rolls)

Experimental probability of rolling an even number = 194 / 397

To convert this to a percentage, we multiply the result by 100:

Experimental probability as a decimal = (194 / 397) * 100

Experimental probability as a decimal ≈ 48.87

Rounding this to the nearest tenth of a percent, we get approximately 48.9%.

Therefore, the correct answer is C: 48.9%.

I'm sorry, but I only see one question in your message. Could you please provide me with the rest of the questions and answer choices so I can assist you further?

I see. I'm sorry, but without the rest of the questions and answer choices, I won't be able to provide accurate answers. Please let me know if you need any help with anything else.

Sure, please let me know how I can assist you.