Assumptions of the logit model

1. Binary response variable: The logit model assumes that the dependent variable is binary, meaning it has only two outcomes.

2. Independent observations: Each observation in the sample is independent and not correlated with the others.

3. Linearity of the logit: The relationship between the independent variables and the log-odds of the dependent variable is linear.

4. No multicollinearity: The independent variables are not highly correlated with each other.

5. No outlier observations: The sample does not contain any extreme observations that may affect the accuracy of the regression coefficients.

6. No perfect separation of the data: The observed outcomes should not perfectly separate the groups defined by the independent variables.

7. Adequate sample size: The sample size is sufficiently large to ensure reliable estimation of the regression coefficients and standard errors.

The logit model is a widely used statistical model for binary outcome variables, such as success/failure, yes/no, or presence/absence. It is based on the assumption of a logistic distribution for the underlying probability of success. Additionally, there are several key assumptions that underlie the logit model:

1. Binary outcome: The response variable should be binary, meaning it can take only two values.

2. Independence of observations: The observations in the dataset should be independent of each other. This assumption is important to avoid issues of autocorrelation or dependence between observations.

3. Linearity in the log-odds: The logit model assumes a linear relationship between the log-odds of the outcome and the predictor variables. In other words, the effect of each predictor on the log-odds of the outcome is additive.

4. No multicollinearity: The predictors should not be highly correlated with each other. Multicollinearity can cause issues with the estimation of the model parameters and affect the interpretability of the results.

5. Absence of influential outliers: The presence of influential outliers or extreme values in the data can greatly impact the estimated coefficients and the overall fit of the model. It is important to assess and address the influence of outliers before applying the logit model.

6. Sufficient sample size: The logit model requires an adequate sample size for reliable estimation. As a general guideline, having at least 10-15 observations per predictor variable is recommended. A small sample size can lead to issues with overfitting or unreliable parameter estimates.

7. Correct specification: The logit model assumes that the model is correctly specified, meaning that the relevant predictors are included in the model and any non-relevant predictors are excluded. Failing to include important predictors or including irrelevant predictors can lead to biased estimates and incorrect inferences.

It is important to note that these assumptions apply specifically to the logit model. Different models may have slightly different assumptions, so it is always advisable to consult the specific model's assumptions before applying it to your data.