Write Python code to determine the factors of a positive number N entered by the user. The program must store the number of factors of N as an array. Code must use the numpy.size() function to count the elements. Example:

If N=7, the factors are: [1, 7] and the number of factors is 2. The output is "The number of 7 factors is 2".
If N=9, the factors are: [1, 3, 9] and the number of factors is 3. The output is: "The number of factors 9 is 3".
Hint: you can use the module operator % to determine if the number N is divisible by a factor i , where i is a variable: 1, 2, ..., N, and count the factors.

import numpy as np

N = int(input("Enter a positive number: "))
factors = []

for i in range(1, N+1):
if N % i == 0:

num_factors = np.size(factors)
print("The number of factors", N, "is", num_factors)

Here is an example code that uses numpy to count the number of factors for a given positive number N:

import numpy as np

def get_factors(N):
factors = []
for i in range(1, N+1):
if N % i == 0:

return factors

def count_factors(N):
factors = get_factors(N)
num_factors = np.size(factors)

return num_factors

# Example usage:
N = int(input("Enter a positive number: "))
factors = get_factors(N)
num_factors = count_factors(N)

print("The factors of", N, "are:", factors)
print("The number of factors", N, "is", num_factors)

In this code, the `get_factors` function calculates the factors of the given number N by checking if each number between 1 and N is a divisor of N using the modulo operator `%`. If the result is 0, then it means that the number is a factor of N and it is appended to the `factors` list.

The `count_factors` function calls `get_factors` to obtain the list of factors, and then uses the `numpy.size` function to count the number of elements in the `factors` list.

Finally, the values are printed using `print`, with appropriate strings to indicate the number and factors.