It is 6 because you keep the base and subtract the exponents not add them I got -6 from this very site that's why I ask the question I did. I'm just not understanding why LLC is saying -6 when other math solution sites are saying positive 6 this equation is not written out sideways it's written in fraction form like w^12 over the top of w^18

I apologize for any confusion caused. It seems there may have been a misunderstanding in the previous response.

To clarify, when dividing two exponents with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

In the case of w^12 / w^18, the base is the same (w), so you subtract the exponent values:

w^12 / w^18 = w^(12-18) = w^(-6)

When you have a negative exponent, you can rewrite it as the reciprocal of the positive exponent:

w^(-6) = 1 / w^6

This means the correct answer is 1 / w^6, not -6.

I apologize for any confusion caused, and I'm here to help clarify any further questions you may have.