On a scale drawing, a park is 4.5 inches long. The scale is 0.5 inch = 10ft.

What is the actual length of the park?

Using the given scale, 0.5 inch on the drawing represents 10 feet in real life. Therefore, 1 inch on the drawing represents 20 feet in real life (multiply both sides by 2).

To find the actual length of the park, we can use the proportion:

1 inch on drawing / 20 feet actual length = 4.5 inches on drawing / x feet actual length

(where x is the actual length we want to find)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 inch on drawing * x feet actual length = 20 feet actual length * 4.5 inches on drawing


x = (20 feet * 4.5 inches) / 1 inch = 90 feet

Therefore, the actual length of the park is 90 feet.

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To find the actual length of the park, we need to use the scale provided. The scale is 0.5 inch = 10 ft.

First, we need to determine how many times the scale fits into 4.5 inches.

4.5 inches ÷ 0.5 inches = 9

Next, we multiply the number of scale units by the conversion factor. In this case, each scale unit represents 10 ft.

9 × 10 ft = 90 ft

Therefore, the actual length of the park is 90 feet.