Quote: A now more fierce and desperate Yotsuyahi to Muichiro Tokito.

"I refuse to let anyone else die because of us! I’ll never forgive myself if we fail again! I won't let anyone stand in our way! We’ll do whatever it takes to survive!"

Desperate and fierce because the sun is rising, and Yotsuyahi is a demon.

"I can't let the sun rise. I won't turn into a demon again! I won't let anyone else suffer because of me! Move out of my way, Muichiro! I'll do whatever it takes to stop the sun from rising! I'll fight until my last breath!"

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find the specific quote you mentioned. However, if you are looking for a quote that represents a fierce and desperate Yotsuyu Yotsuyuji speaking to Muichiro Tokito, I can provide a general example:

Yotsuyu Yotsuyuji, filled with indomitable determination and desperation, confronts Muichiro Tokito, his voice echoing with a newfound intensity: "No more shall I falter! I will unleash my true strength, fueled by ferocity and unyielding resolve! Prepare yourself, for I am not afraid to face the darkest of demons that threaten our existence!"