Before school began Mrs.weeks bought a total of 86 balls.Use the information below to help you write a numerical expression for the number of each type of ball.Then record the total number of each type of ball.

Footballs - there are 8 footballs
Basketballs - two more than the twice the number of footballs are basketballs
Baseball’s- four less than 5 times the number of footballs are baseballs
Softballs - Six more than half of the baseballs are softballs.

Numerical expressions:

Football = 8
Basketball = 2 + 2(8) or 2 + 16 = 18
Baseball = 5(8) - 4 or 40 - 4 = 36
Softball = 6 + 1/2(36) or 6 + 18 = 24

Total number of each type of ball:
Football = 8
Basketball = 18
Baseball = 36
Softball = 24

Therefore, Mrs. Weeks bought 8 footballs, 18 basketballs, 36 baseballs, and 24 softballs for a total of 86 balls.

To write a numerical expression for the number of each type of ball, we'll use the given information.

Let's assign the variables:
F = number of Footballs
B = number of Basketballs
Ba = number of Baseballs
S = number of Softballs

Now let's write the numerical expressions for each type of ball:
Football: F = 8
Basketball: B = 2 + 2F
Baseball: Ba = 5F - 4
Softball: S = (1/2)Ba + 6

To find the total number of each type of ball, plug in the given value of F = 8 into the expressions for B, Ba, and S.
B = 2 + 2(8) = 2 + 16 = 18
Ba = 5(8) - 4 = 40 - 4 = 36
S = (1/2)(36) + 6 = 18 + 6 = 24

So the total number of each type of ball is:
Football: 8
Basketball: 18
Baseball: 36
Softball: 24