What is total curriculum

Total curriculum refers to all of the planned and unplanned learning experiences that students have in a particular educational setting, including the formal curriculum (such as textbooks, lesson plans, and assessments), the extracurricular activities (such as sports, clubs, and cultural events), and the hidden curriculum (such as socialization, values, and beliefs that are transmitted through the school environment). The total curriculum is important in shaping the educational experiences of students and can have a significant impact on their academic success and personal development.

Total curriculum refers to the entirety of planned educational experiences and instructional materials used in a school or educational program. It includes all the subjects, lessons, activities, assessments, and resources that students are expected to engage with over a specific period of time, such as a school year or a grade level. The total curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive and cohesive educational experience that covers various cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects of learning. It typically includes core academic subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies, as well as other areas such as arts, physical education, and character development. The total curriculum is developed by educators and curriculum specialists to meet specific learning goals and standards, and it forms the basis for instructional planning and delivery in schools and educational institutions.