Suppose you bought cookies from a street vendor and the cops see that you bought something from there and they give you a ticket for buying something from a unauthorized vendor what do you do?

As an AI language model, I cannot give legal advice as it can vary depending on the specific laws and regulations in your area. However, if you receive a ticket or citation from law enforcement, it's generally advisable to comply with their instructions and to seek legal advice from an attorney. This can help you understand your legal options and any potential consequences associated with the violation.

If you have received a ticket for buying cookies from an unauthorized street vendor, here is what you can do step-by-step:

1. Understand the specific charge: Read the ticket carefully to understand the exact violation you have been cited for. This will help you determine the course of action.

2. Research local regulations: Look into the local laws and regulations regarding street vendors in your area. This may involve checking municipal codes or contacting local authorities to find out about any restrictions or requirements.

3. Assess the credibility of the vendor: Consider the legitimacy of the street vendor from whom you purchased the cookies. Were they operating a legitimate business? Were they authorized to sell their products? This information can be relevant to your defense.

4. Gather evidence: Collect any evidence that supports your case. This could include photographs or videos of the street vendor, receipts, or any other documentation that proves your side of the story.

5. Consult legal advice: Consider seeking legal advice to better understand your situation and potential options. A lawyer will guide you through the legal process and provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

6. Decide whether to contest or pay the ticket: Based on the information you have gathered and legal advice you have received, make an informed decision on whether to contest the ticket or pay the fine. Remember, paying the ticket implies guilt, whereas contesting it may involve going to court.

7. Follow the legal process: If you decide to contest the ticket, follow the instructions on the ticket regarding the legal process for challenging the citation. This may involve requesting a hearing or filing an appeal.

8. Present your case: Prepare your case and gather any supporting documents or evidence to present to the appropriate authority. Follow any guidelines or procedures outlined for contesting the ticket.

9. Attend the hearing: If your case proceeds to a hearing, be present at the scheduled date and time. Present your case confidently and respectfully, providing any necessary evidence and arguments to support your innocence.

10. Accept the outcome: Regardless of the result, be prepared to accept the outcome of the hearing. If you are successful, the ticket may be dismissed. If not, you may have to pay the fine or explore further legal options.

Remember, this is general advice and it's important to consult with legal professionals who can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation.