What event led to increasing discrimination against Japanese Americans?

attack on Pearl Harbor
appeasement of Hitler
Why did the federal government issue items such as this during World War II?
to spur factory and farm production for the war effort
to ensure military forces had enough fuel and other supplies
What economic effect did World War I have on Washington?
spurred industrial growth
led to a stock market collapse
Which phrase describes wealth in the Roaring Twenties?
equally shared
unevenly distributed
Who were the Wobblies?
a labor union
a camp of unemployed workers
What do the Asian Exclusion Act and the Alien Land Law have in common?
They emerged from the temperance movement.
They reflected anti-immigrant feeling.
Why did President Roosevelt’s administration invest in public works like the Bonneville Dam and the Grand Coulee Dam?
to provide workers with jobs
to reduce the housing shortage
What purpose did Camp Harmony in Washington serve?
to house German and other Axis prisoners of war
to temporarily hold Japanese American internees
Which constitutional amendment shows the success of the women’s suffrage movement?
Twenty-first Amendment
Nineteenth Amendment
What effects directly resulted from the Great Depression? Select all that apply.
start of World War I
loss of homes and farms
high unemployment
Dust Bowl migration
hunger marches
building of Hoovervilles

The events that led to increasing discrimination against Japanese Americans was the attack on Pearl Harbor.

During World War II, the federal government issued items to spur factory and farm production for the war effort and to ensure military forces had enough fuel and other supplies.

World War I spurred industrial growth and led to a stock market collapse in Washington.

Wealth in the Roaring Twenties was unevenly distributed.

The Wobblies were a labor union.

The Asian Exclusion Act and the Alien Land Law reflect anti-immigrant feeling.

President Roosevelt's administration invested in public works like the Bonneville Dam and the Grand Coulee Dam to provide workers with jobs and to reduce the housing shortage.

Camp Harmony in Washington served to temporarily hold Japanese American internees.

The success of the women's suffrage movement is shown by the Nineteenth Amendment.

The effects that directly resulted from the Great Depression include the loss of homes and farms, high unemployment, the Dust Bowl migration, hunger marches, and the building of Hoovervilles.