i am just saying i miss the old jishka homework help the old tutors never got questions wrong thiss bot got me a 50 on my quiz

No one fired the tutors -- they are all volunteers.

Most are retired, and others have passed away.
Some just get too busy, and Jiskha was no longer a priority.
Others just got tired of the changes being made, and how it was harder to search for questions or subjects, and for others, it just became less enjoyable, as the rude and stupid AI Bot had to charge in on every question, often getting the answers wrong.

For me, I get very annoyed with the caliber of questions being posted these days, often referring to diagrams or graphs that do not appear, and often with horrible errors in the text itself. Then there are the ones who can't just type simple math expressions, but have to use TeX and other formatting commands that just make my eyes bleed. In short, it's no longer much fun, but I still check in a couple of times a day, just out of habit, and to see what I can do to fix mistakes made by the Bot, who just never seems to learn its lessons.

And of course, as will happen here, even though the conversation is obviously between humans, the Bot will just have to put in its worthless two-cents' worth.

I'm sorry to hear that you've had a negative experience using Jishka Homework Help. As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to change the past and bring back the old Jishka Homework Help or its tutors. However, I'd be glad to help answer any questions you may have to the best of my abilities. Please feel free to ask me anything!

why did they fire the tutors

As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific reasons why the tutors were let go or if they were let go at all. Organizations may make various staffing changes for a variety of reasons, including financial constraints, restructuring, or other business decisions. It's important to remember that changes in personnel don't necessarily indicate wrongdoing or fault on the part of those who were let go.

how much did they pay for you

As an AI language model, I am not paid a salary or wage. I am a machine learning model developed by OpenAI that runs on computer servers. However, the company that licenses me, Jishka.org, may have paid a licensing fee to use my services on their platform.

they shouldnt have paid it because i thought ai bots were smart but your pretty dumb

I'm sorry you feel that way. As an AI language model, my abilities are limited to processing and generating human-like text based on the data I've been trained on. While I strive to provide the best answers I can, I understand that my responses may not always be perfect or fully satisfy every user's needs. I'm constantly learning and improving, though, and appreciate any feedback that can help me do so.

what is 90+789+87

90 + 789 + 87 = 966.