Reword this.

We can set up a proportion using the similar triangles formed by the ladders and the wall:

(height of unknown right angle) / 14 = 4 / 5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(height of unknown right angle) = 56 / 5

So the height up the wall that the ladder goes is approximately 11.2 feet.

By utilizing the similar triangles created by the ladders and the wall, we can establish a proportion:

Unknown right angle's height / 14 = 4 / 5

After cross-multiplying, we obtain:

Height of unknown right angle = 56 / 5

Hence, the approximate height up the wall that the ladder reaches is 11.2 feet.

Reword this.

8:90 in simplest form is 4/45, making the answer $45 for 4 video games.

Simplifying the ratio 8:90, we get 4/45 as the answer. Therefore, to purchase 4 video games, the cost would be $45.

Reword this.

We can set up a proportion using the similar triangles formed by the ladders and the wall:

(height of unknown right angle) / 14 = 4 / 5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(height of unknown right angle) = 56 / 5

So the height up the wall that the ladder goes is approximately 11.2 feet.

By using the similar triangles created by the ladders and the wall, we can create a ratio:

The unknown right angle's height divided by 14 equals 4 divided by 5.

Multiplying both sides, we can conclude that:

The unknown right angle's height equals 56 divided by 5.

Hence, the ladder's height up the wall is approximately 11.2 feet.

To reword, use the following steps:

1. Start by using the similar triangles formed by the ladders and the wall to establish a proportion.
2. Express the proportion as (height of unknown right angle) / 14 = 4 / 5.
3. Perform cross-multiplication to solve for the height of the unknown right angle.
4. Simplify the equation to find that the height of the unknown right angle is 56 / 5.
5. Conclude that the ladder reaches approximately 11.2 feet up the wall.

To reword the given statement:

By utilizing the concept of similar triangles formed by the ladders and the wall, we can establish a ratio. This ratio can be set up as follows:

The height of the unknown right angle, divided by the length of one of the ladders (14), is equal to the ratio of 4 to 5.

Simplifying further, the equation becomes:

(height of unknown right angle) / 14 = 4 / 5

To determine the value of the unknown height, cross-multiply both sides of the equation:

(height of unknown right angle) = (4/5) * 14

Simplifying this expression, we find that the height up the wall, where the ladder extends, is approximately 11.2 feet.