Which of the following is a reason conflicts over zoning decisions can become a divisive issue?

Zoning decisions are often wrong and result in significant financial hardship for a city.
Zoning decisions do not always change over time and can become antiquated.
Establishing zoning types is an expensive process.
Zoning regulations prevent new businesses from competing with established businesses.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



a rocket is launched from atop a 65-foot cliff with an initial velocity of 113 ft/s. the height of the rocket above the ground at time t is given by h= -16t^2+113t+65. when will the rocket hit the ground after it is launched? Round to the nearest tenth of a secound

When the rocket hits the ground, its height will be 0. So we can set h = 0 and solve for t:

0 = -16t^2 + 113t + 65

We can use the quadratic formula to solve for t:

t = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

In this case, a = -16, b = 113, and c = 65. Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

t = (-113 ± sqrt(113^2 - 4(-16)(65))) / 2(-16)

t = (-113 ± sqrt(12769)) / (-32)

t = (-113 ± 113) / (-32)

t = 0.5 or t = 7.1

Since we're looking for the time when the rocket hits the ground after it's launched, we want the positive value of t:

t = 7.1 seconds (rounded to the nearest tenth of a second).

The best answer is d. Zoning regulations prevent new businesses from competing with established businesses.

To determine the best answer, we need to consider the reasons that conflicts over zoning decisions can become a divisive issue. Let's break down each option and analyze its relevance:

a. "Zoning decisions are often wrong and result in significant financial hardship for a city."
This option suggests that zoning decisions can be incorrect and lead to financial difficulties for a city. While this could potentially be a reason for conflict, it is not necessarily related to why conflicts become divisive. Therefore, option A is not the best answer.

b. "Zoning decisions do not always change over time and can become antiquated."
This option highlights the issue of zoning decisions becoming outdated and not adapting to changing circumstances over time. This lack of flexibility can lead to conflicts and divisions among different stakeholders. Therefore, option B is a valid consideration.

c. "Establishing zoning types is an expensive process."
While cost can be a factor in conflicts over zoning decisions, it does not directly address why these conflicts become divisive. So, option C is not the best answer.

d. "Zoning regulations prevent new businesses from competing with established businesses."
This option suggests that zoning regulations could create barriers for new businesses to enter the market and compete with established ones. Such restrictions can lead to conflicts and divisions between those who support or oppose these regulations. Thus, option D is a valid consideration.

Therefore, the best answer is B, as conflicts over zoning decisions can become divisive when these decisions do not adapt to changing circumstances over time, becoming outdated and inflexible.