Which option shows the correct use of quotations?

"Dr. Griffiths reports that cats are the best pets to own."
Dr. Blystone shares his opinions on kittens. "Kittens are my favorite, especially when they dig their daggers into my nostrils."
Dogs are intelligent and fascinating creatures. (DoggosRule, 2023)
There is a dog in South Carolina that has a large vocabulary. She recognizes "1,022 proper nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind" (Averill, 2011).

There is a dog in South Carolina that has a large vocabulary. She recognizes "1,022 proper nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind" (Averill, 2011).

Use the sentences to answer the question.

Marie is writing a paper on the cost of living in Seattle, Washington, compared to Atlanta, Georgia. She finds a chart that compares the average monthly costs for common expenses in each state.

Which of the following can Marie assume is the idea that is presented in the chart?

Seattle is more expensive than Atlanta.
Living expenses vary between states.
People should move to Seattle for more money.
Everyone should pay the same in expenses, no matter where you live.

Living expenses vary between states.

The correct use of quotations is shown in the following option:

"There is a dog in South Carolina that has a large vocabulary. She recognizes '1,022 proper nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind'" (Averill, 2011).