Which source is likely the most credible?

a doctor's professional blog about medical cases they've studied
a college newspaper from 20 years ago
a website from an environmental company imploring you to save the earth

A doctor's professional blog about medical cases they've studied is likely the most credible source.

When considering the credibility of a source, it is important to assess several factors.

1. Wikipedia: While Wikipedia can be a helpful starting point for research, it is not considered a highly reliable source. This is because anyone can create or edit Wikipedia articles, which may introduce biases or inaccuracies. However, Wikipedia articles often include references and citations that can lead you to more reliable sources.

2. A doctor's professional blog about medical cases they've studied: This source may have a high level of credibility, especially if the doctor is an expert in their field. Professional blogs written by medical experts can provide valuable insights and firsthand experiences. However, it is important to consider whether the blog is supported by evidence, peer-reviewed studies, or reputable medical organizations.

3. A college newspaper from 20 years ago: The credibility of this source depends on the specific newspaper and the context of the information you are seeking. College newspapers may not uphold the same standards as established news outlets, and the age of the information may affect its relevance and accuracy. It would be crucial to verify the information with more current and reliable sources.

4. A website from an environmental company imploring you to save the earth: This source may have a certain bias, as it is promoting a specific agenda. While it can provide valuable information on environmental issues, it is important to cross-check the information with other sources to ensure accuracy and gain a more balanced perspective.

In conclusion, among the given options, the doctor's professional blog about medical cases they've studied is likely to be the most credible. However, it is always advisable to consult multiple sources and critically evaluate the information for accuracy, bias, and relevance.