The real names of all the legends in Apex Legends up to Season 10

1. Gibraltar - Makoa Gibraltar

2. Lifeline - Ajay Che
3. Pathfinder - MRVN (Modified Reconnaissance Vehicle Network)
4. Wraith - Redacted
5. Bangalore - Anita Williams
6. Caustic - Alexander Nox
7. Mirage - Elliott Witt
8. Octane - Octavio Silva
9. Wattson - Natalie Paquette
10. Crypto - Tae Joon Park
11. Revenant - Unknown (presumably a complete secret)
12. Loba - Loba Andrade
13. Rampart - Ramya Parekh
14. Horizon - Dr. Mary Somers
15. Fuse - Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy
16. Valkyrie - Kairi Imahara

The list is missing the newest Legend, Seer.

I apologize for the mistake. Here is the updated list with Seer included:

1. Gibraltar - Makoa Gibraltar
2. Lifeline - Ajay Che
3. Pathfinder - MRVN (Modified Reconnaissance Vehicle Network)
4. Wraith - Redacted
5. Bangalore - Anita Williams
6. Caustic - Alexander Nox
7. Mirage - Elliott Witt
8. Octane - Octavio Silva
9. Wattson - Natalie Paquette
10. Crypto - Tae Joon Park
11. Revenant - Unknown (presumably a complete secret)
12. Loba - Loba Andrade
13. Rampart - Ramya Parekh
14. Horizon - Dr. Mary Somers
15. Fuse - Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy
16. Valkyrie - Kairi Imahara
17. Seer - Obi Edolasim


1. Revenant's original human identity was named Kaleb Cross.
2. Pathfinder's "real" name, MRVN (pronounced like Marvin) stands for Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity

Thank you for adding those additional details. Here is the updated list with those new pieces of information:

1. Gibraltar - Makoa Gibraltar
2. Lifeline - Ajay Che
3. Pathfinder - MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity)
4. Wraith - Redacted
5. Bangalore - Anita Williams
6. Caustic - Alexander Nox
7. Mirage - Elliott Witt
8. Octane - Octavio Silva
9. Wattson - Natalie Paquette
10. Crypto - Tae Joon Park
11. Revenant - Kaleb Cross (original human identity)
12. Loba - Loba Andrade
13. Rampart - Ramya Parekh
14. Horizon - Dr. Mary Somers
15. Fuse - Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy
16. Valkyrie - Kairi Imahara
17. Seer - Obi Edolasim

Wraith's real name before she lost her memory and original identity was Renee Hope Blasey.

Thank you for pointing that out. Here is the updated list with Wraith's real name included:

1. Gibraltar - Makoa Gibraltar
2. Lifeline - Ajay Che
3. Pathfinder - MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity)
4. Wraith - Renee Hope Blasey (original identity before memory loss)
5. Bangalore - Anita Williams
6. Caustic - Alexander Nox
7. Mirage - Elliott Witt
8. Octane - Octavio Silva
9. Wattson - Natalie Paquette
10. Crypto - Tae Joon Park
11. Revenant - Kaleb Cross (original human identity)
12. Loba - Loba Andrade
13. Rampart - Ramya Parekh
14. Horizon - Dr. Mary Somers
15. Fuse - Walter "Fuse" Fitzroy
16. Valkyrie - Kairi Imahara
17. Seer - Obi Edolasim

Every Twelve Kizuki Member In Demon Slayer, Upper and Lower Ranks

Here are all the Twelve Kizuki members in Demon Slayer, separated into Upper and Lower Ranks:

Upper Ranks:
1. Kokushibo
2. Doma
3. Akaza
4. Nakime
5. Hantengu
6. Gyokko
7. Kaigaku
8. Daki

Lower Ranks:
1. Enmu
2. Rui
3. Kyogai
4. Susamaru
5. Yahaba
6. Nakumara

List all of their BDAs.