How did the Opium War affect China? (1 point)

1. closed most of China to European merchants and goods
2. ended the European drug trade in China and India
3. forced China to accept unflavored trades terms with Western year Nations
4. undermined us efforts to obtain trading at rights in East Asi


The Opium War had several effects on China:

1. Closed most of China to European merchants and goods: As a result of the Opium War, China was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. This treaty included provisions that opened up several ports to European merchants, allowing them to freely trade with China. However, it also restricted Chinese control over trade and gave Europeans special privileges, such as extraterritoriality.

2. Ended the European drug trade in China and India: The Opium War was primarily fought due to the illegal opium trade conducted by European merchants from India. The war resulted in the suppression of the opium trade, effectively ending the European drug trade in China and India.

3. Forced China to accept unfair trade terms with Western nations: The Treaty of Nanjing imposed unequal trade terms on China. It required China to pay a large indemnity to Britain, open up additional ports for trade, and grant extraterritorial rights to Europeans. These terms were highly unfavorable to China and signified its weakened position in the face of Western power.

4. Undermined US efforts to obtain trading rights in East Asia: The Opium War highlighted the aggressive tactics employed by Western powers to secure their trade interests in East Asia. As a result, it became more difficult for the United States to negotiate favorable trading rights in the region, as China and other countries were wary of foreign influence and exploitation after their experience with Europe.