Choice 1. Read the following poem and write a paragraph at least 7-10 sentences long that:

1. Explains the TOPIC of the poem;

2. Interprets the SYMBOLISM of the rose;

3. Explains and provides an example of at least one of the poetic devices used in the poem.

“The Rose That Grew From Concrete” by Tupac Shakur

Did you hear about the rose that grew

from a crack in the concrete?

Proving nature's law is wrong it

learned to walk without having feet.

Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,

it learned to breathe fresh air.

Long live the rose that grew from concrete

when no one else ever cared.


Choice 2. Using persuasive language and smooth transitions between ideas, CHOOSE ONE of the following topics and argue your opinion in a 7 - 10 sentence-long paragraph.

OPTION ONE: Aliens exist. True or false? Argue your point of view.

OPTION TWO: Recycling should be a legal requirement for every household. Yes or no? Argue your point of view.

In the poem "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" by Tupac Shakur, the topic is about an unlikely occurrence where a rose grew out of concrete, despite the natural laws preventing such growth. The poem symbolizes that one can still become something beautiful despite difficult circumstances and opposition. The rose represents the human spirit, while the concrete represents the harsh, unfavorable environment we sometimes find ourselves in. The rose's perseverance in growing, even when no one else cared, serves as a reminder to not give up on our dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.

One poetic device used in the poem is personification, where nature is personified as having laws. The rose becomes a symbol of defying these laws and achieving something that was deemed impossible. Another example of poetic device used is rhyme scheme, with the first and third line of each stanza ending with the words "concrete" and "feet," respectively. This rhyme scheme creates a rhythm and adds to the flow and impact of the poem's message.

In conclusion, the poem "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" by Tupac Shakur is a reminder of the indomitable human spirit and the power of perseverance. The rose serves as a symbol of overcoming obstacles and achieving success, even in the harshest environments. The poem's use of personification and rhyme scheme adds an extra layer of depth and meaning to its message.

I will assist with Choice 1.

1. The topic of the poem "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" is the resilience and triumph of individuals who come from challenging circumstances and manage to succeed against all odds. It highlights the power of determination and the ability to overcome obstacles.

2. The symbolism of the rose in the poem represents the potential for beauty and growth in the most unlikely places. Just like a rose that manages to grow from a crack in concrete, it signifies the extraordinary nature of an individual who manages to thrive despite adverse conditions. It challenges the notion that success can only be achieved under favorable circumstances, and instead celebrates the strength and resilience of individuals who manage to rise above their surroundings.

3. One example of a poetic device used in the poem is personification. The rose is personified as it "learned to walk without having feet" and "learned to breathe fresh air." By attributing human qualities to the rose, the poem emphasizes its ability to defy nature's laws and overcome its inhospitable environment. This personification adds depth and emotional resonance to the poem, highlighting the rose's extraordinary journey and inspiring readers to find strength within themselves.

In summary, "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" explores the topic of resilience and triumph over adversity. The rose in the poem symbolizes the potential for beauty and growth in the most unlikely places, challenging the notion that success can only come from favorable circumstances. One example of a poetic device used is personification, which adds emotional resonance to the poem and underscores the rose's remarkable journey.