Use the excerpt from Andrew Carnegie's the gospel of wealth to answer the question.

What is a major effect of the second industrial revolution as carnegie describes it? Explain
A. the creation of jobs in new industries.
B. a growing gap between social classes
C. the difficulties of earning a living
D. greater wealth distributed across classes

B. A growing gap between social classes is a major effect of the second industrial revolution as described by Carnegie. He notes that while the accumulation of wealth by a few individuals is inevitable in a capitalist society, it also leads to a widening gap between the rich and the poor. This disparity can lead to social unrest and must be addressed through philanthropic efforts by the wealthy.

According to Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth," a major effect of the second industrial revolution is the growing gap between social classes. Carnegie describes how the rapid industrialization during this period led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, while the majority of the population continued to struggle economically. He argues that this widening wealth gap is an inevitable consequence of the modern capitalist system, with the industrious and enterprising few accumulating immense fortunes, while the majority faces difficulties in earning a living. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B. a growing gap between social classes.