A bar graph shows the average temperatures for the first four days in March. The average temperature for each day is listed.

March 1 was 52°F.
March 2 was 54°F.
March 3 was 56°F.
The average temperature for March 4 followed the temperature trend. Which most likely was the temperature on March 4?

(1 point)

A. 55°F

B. 56°F

C. 60°F

D. 50°F

B. 56°F

To determine the most likely temperature on March 4, we can look at the temperature trend in the given data.

The temperature is increasing by 2°F each day:
March 1: 52°F
March 2: 54°F
March 3: 56°F

Following this trend, the most likely temperature on March 4 would be 2°F higher than March 3, which would be 56°F + 2°F = 58°F.

However, none of the given options match 58°F. The closest option is 55°F. Therefore, the most likely temperature on March 4 would be 55°F.

So the answer is:
A. 55°F