A quadrilateral has two angles that measure 162° and 132°. The other two angles are in a ratio of 2:9. What are the measures of those two angles?

First, we know that the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is always 360°. Therefore, we can start by finding the measure of the third angle:

162° + 132° = 294°
360° - 294° = 66°

Now we can set up an equation to solve for the two remaining angles. Let x be the smaller of the two angles, and let 9x be the larger angle (since the ratio of the two angles is 2:9).

x + 9x = 360° - 294° - 66°
10x = 0°
x = 0°

Uh oh, we have a problem. A quadrilateral cannot have an angle of 0°. This means that our initial assumption that there are two angles in a 2:9 ratio must be incorrect.

We can try another approach. Let's call the two unknown angles A and B, and let's say that A is the larger angle (since we already know that one of the angles measures 162°). The two angles are in a ratio of 2:9, so we can write:

A/B = 9/2

Solving for one of the variables, we get:

A = (9/2)B

Now we can substitute this expression into the equation for the sum of the angles:

162° + 132° + A + B = 360°

Substituting A = (9/2)B:

162° + 132° + (9/2)B + B = 360°


393° + (11/2)B = 360°

(11/2)B = -33°

B = -6°

Wait, what? A negative angle doesn't make sense either. It seems that there is no solution to this problem. We can double check our work by adding up the angles we have found so far:

162° + 132° + (-6°) + 0° = 288°

This means that the fourth angle must be:

360° - 288° = 72°

But this angle does not fit the 2:9 ratio that we were given. It seems that the problem is flawed and has no solution.

Let's denote the two unknown angles as x and y, with x being the smaller angle.

We know that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is 360°. Therefore, we can write the equation:

162° + 132° + x + y = 360°

Simplifying this equation, we get:

294° + x + y = 360°

Subtracting 294° from both sides of the equation, we have:

x + y = 66°

We are also given that the two angles are in a ratio of 2:9. This means that:

x/y = 2/9

Cross multiplying, we have:

9x = 2y

Simplifying, we get:

y = (9/2)x

Now we can substitute this value of y into the first equation:

x + (9/2)x = 66°

Combining like terms, we have:

(11/2)x = 66°

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 11/2:

x = (66°) / (11/2)

Simplifying, we get:

x = 12°

Now, substituting this value of x into the equation y = (9/2)x:

y = (9/2)(12°)

Simplifying further, we have:

y = 54°

Therefore, the two unknown angles in the quadrilateral are 12° and 54°.