What is the missing width of a rectangular prism with a length of 6 cm, a height of 4 cm, and a surface area of 188 cm2?(1 point)


To find the missing width of the rectangular prism, we can use the formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism:

Surface Area = 2*(length*width + width*height + length*height)

Given that the length is 6 cm, the height is 4 cm, and the surface area is 188 cm², we can substitute these values into the formula:

188 = 2*(6*width + width*4 + 6*4)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

188 = 2*(6w + 4w + 24)

188 = 2*(10w + 24)

188 = 20w + 48

Subtracting 48 from both sides:

140 = 20w

Finally, we can divide both sides by 20 to solve for the missing width:

w = 140/20
w = 7

Therefore, the missing width of the rectangular prism is 7 cm.

The missing width of the rectangular prism is 9 cm.