Sum 29 and 5


To find the sum of 29 and 5, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the two numbers you want to add: 29 and 5.

Step 2: Start by adding the units digits of the two numbers. In this case, the units digit of 29 is 9, and the units digit of 5 is 5. Adding them gives you 9 + 5 = 14.

Step 3: Write down the 4 in the units place of the sum 14, and carry over the 1 to the next column.

Step 4: Move to the next column, which is the tens place. Add the digits in this column, including the carryover from the previous step. The tens digit of 29 is 2, and there is a carryover of 1. So, you have 2 + 1 = 3.

Step 5: Write down the 3 in the tens place of the sum.

Step 6: Finally, combine the digits from step 5 and step 3 to get the final sum. In this case, the sum of 29 and 5 is 34.

So, 29 + 5 = 34.