How are jetties and groins similar in how they manage beach erosion?(1 point)


Both use beach nourishment to replenish sand on the beach.
Both use beach nourishment to replenish sand on the beach.

Both are hard structures that keep sand on the beach.
Both are hard structures that keep sand on the beach.

Both are soft alternative strategies that use barriers to keep sand on the beach.
Both are soft alternative strategies that use barriers to keep sand on the beach.

Both use vegetation to keep sand on the beach.
Both use vegetation to keep sand on the beach.

Neither of them use beach nourishment or vegetation to manage beach erosion. Jetties and groins are both hard structures that are used to interrupt the flow of water and prevent longshore drift from moving sand away from the beach. They trap sediment and build up the beach in front of the structures.

Which of the following is a potential drawback of using jetties to prevent beach erosion?(1 point)


Jetties block boats from being able to enter harbors.
Jetties block boats from being able to enter harbors.

Jetties are not effective until plant life has time to grow.
Jetties are not effective until plant life has time to grow.

Building jetties is more expensive than soft beach management strategies.
Building jetties is more expensive than soft beach management strategies.

Beach erosion may increase on the downdrift side of the jetties.

Beach erosion may increase on the downdrift side of the jetties.

Which of the following effects do shifting shorelines from beach erosion have on beaches?(1 point)


They cause wider beach areas.
They cause wider beach areas.

They cause narrower beach areas.
They cause narrower beach areas.

They cause an increase in sand on beaches.
They cause an increase in sand on beaches.

They cause an increase in beach currents.

They cause narrower beach areas.

What is the purpose of beach nourishment? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


to replenish sand on a beach
to replenish sand on a beach

to remove sand from a beach to offshore
to remove sand from a beach to offshore

to mitigate beach erosion for a period of time
to mitigate beach erosion for a period of time

to help ocean life survive after beach erosion
to help ocean life survive after beach erosion

to stop all beach erosion from occurring
to stop all beach erosion from occurring

to replenish sand on a beach and to mitigate beach erosion for a period of time.

What might a city find it necessary to do when initiating a beach nourishment project?(1 point)


find a nearby cement supplier
find a nearby cement supplier

collect plants for replanting
collect plants for replanting

raise taxes
raise taxes

seek approval from the local school board

seek approval from the local school board.

(Note: Seeking approval from the relevant governing bodies, such as environmental agencies or local governments, is often necessary before initiating a beach nourishment project.)

How are vegetation management and beach nourishment similar in the ways they combat beach erosion?(1 point)


Both use long, hard structures to trap sand.
Both use long, hard structures to trap sand.

Both are inexpensive ways to fight erosion.
Both are inexpensive ways to fight erosion.

Both relocate materials back to the shore.
Both relocate materials back to the shore.

Both move sand from deeper waters inland