According to the USGS, how much total copper was contained in world reserves as of 2018?(1 point)


790 millions tons
790 millions tons

5 million tons
5 million tons

300 million tons
300 million tons

45 million tons
45 million tons

300 million tons

Why is bauxite the most common ore that aluminum is extracted from? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.
It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.

It contains pure alumimum metal.
It contains pure alumimum metal.

It can be refined in a single step.
It can be refined in a single step.

It is also used in jewelry as a gem.
It is also used in jewelry as a gem.

It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.
It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.

It is located near the surface and can be easily strip mined.

It is the most abundant ore of aluminum.

3. What would the graph of y= x2 +1 look like?

The graph of y = x^2 + 1 would be a U-shaped curve (parabola) that opens upward and has its vertex at the point (0,1). It would intersect the y-axis at the point (0,1) and never intersect the x-axis.

5. What would the graph of y= 3/4 x - 7/8 look like?

The graph of y = (3/4)x - (7/8) is a straight line in the coordinate plane with a slope (rise over run) of 3/4 and a y-intercept of -7/8. It would be a diagonal line that moves up and to the right as x increases, and down and to the left as x decreases.