New Zealand has a population of 4,326,380 and has an area of 103,736 mi2028-02-04-03-00_files/i0360000.jpg while Australia has an area of 2,967,909 mi2028-02-04-03-00_files/i0360001.jpg and a population of 21,905,140. Calculate the population density for New Zealand and Australia. Round the population densities to the nearest whole number.

Population density of New Zealand:

4,326,380 ÷ 103,736 = 42

Population density of Australia:
21,905,140 ÷ 2,967,909 = 7

Therefore, the population density of New Zealand is 42 people per square mile and the population density of Australia is 7 people per square mile.

To calculate the population density, we divide the population of a country by its area.

For New Zealand:
Population = 4,326,380
Area = 103,736 square miles

Population Density = Population / Area
Population Density = 4,326,380 / 103,736
Population Density = 41.69

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the population density for New Zealand is 42.

For Australia:
Population = 21,905,140
Area = 2,967,909 square miles

Population Density = Population / Area
Population Density = 21,905,140 / 2,967,909
Population Density = 7.38

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the population density for Australia is 7.