Year Event

1954 U.S. forces help overthrow leftist government in Guatemala.
1973 The United States backs a military coup to put the dictator Augusto Pinochet in power and overthrow the socialist president in Chile, Salvador Allende.
1979 U.S. president Ronald Reagan funds right-wing guerrillas against the socialist Sandinista government in Nicaragua.
Use the table to answer the question.
Which conclusion does the information in the table best support?
A. U.S. containment policy contributed to the rise of repressive regimes in Latin America.
B. U.S. economic interests led the nation to maintain close military alliances with Latin America.
C. U.S. efforts to stop terrorism provoked outbreaks of violence by Latin American insurgent groups.
D. U.S. territorial expansion caused several territorial disputes in Latin America.
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A. U.S. containment policy contributed to the rise of repressive regimes in Latin America.

The conclusion that the information in the table best supports is A. U.S. containment policy contributed to the rise of repressive regimes in Latin America. The information provided shows how the United States intervened in various Latin American countries to overthrow leftist governments and support right-wing regimes. This suggests a pattern of U.S. involvement in supporting repressive regimes in the region as part of its containment policy during the Cold War.