Which purposes do NGOs serve with regard to human rights issues? Select all that apply.

A. mobilizing public opinion
B. monitoring potential problems
C. prosecuting guilty parties
D. punishing war crimes
E. reporting violations
F. stopping military conflicts

A. mobilizing public opinion

B. monitoring potential problems
E. reporting violations

The purposes that NGOs serve with regard to human rights issues include:

A. Mobilizing public opinion: NGOs often aim to raise awareness and garner public support for specific human rights causes or issues. They work to educate the public, mobilize them, and advocate for change.

B. Monitoring potential problems: NGOs actively monitor and investigate potential human rights violations. They gather evidence, document incidents, and report on violations to relevant authorities or international bodies.

E. Reporting violations: NGOs play a significant role in reporting human rights violations. They document cases, gather evidence, and submit reports to governments, international organizations, and human rights institutions. Reporting violations helps expose the truth, hold perpetrators accountable, and advocate for justice.

F. Stopping military conflicts: While NGOs may not directly stop military conflicts, they often work towards conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding. They advocate for peaceful solutions, engage in diplomacy, and provide humanitarian assistance in conflict-affected areas. Their efforts contribute to the prevention or de-escalation of military conflicts.

Note: NGOs usually do not have prosecutorial powers like courts or institutions. Therefore, they typically do not prosecute guilty parties or punish war crimes (C and D). These responsibilities usually fall on judicial bodies, government entities, or international criminal tribunals.