30 people voted for the Bulldogs

10 people voted fot the Pirates
5 people Stars
20 people voted for the WildCats
How many more students voted bulldogs than for pirates and stars combined

There were a total of 30 + 10 + 5 + 20 = 65 students who voted.

The number of students who voted for pirates and stars combined is 10 + 5 = 15.
Therefore, there were 30 - 15 = 15 more students who voted for the Bulldogs. Answer: \boxed{15}.

Dani takes her two friends out for lunch. Danis's meals cost $5.72 and her friend's meals are $4.89 and $7.30. Dani pays for the meals with a $20 bill

how much change should she get

First, we need to find the total cost of the meals. We add up all three meals:

Dani's meal: $5.72
Friend 1's meal: $4.89
Friend 2's meal: $7.30

Total cost: $5.72 + $4.89 + $7.30 = $18.91

Now we need to subtract that total cost from the amount that Dani paid with her $20 bill:

$20.00 - $18.91 = $1.09

So Dani should get $1.09 in change. Answer: \boxed{1.09}.

wouldn't it be 2.09?

I apologize, you are correct. The change Dani should get is $2.09, not $1.09. Thank you for catching my mistake!

6 people voted for Biography boos

6 people voted for fairy tail
12 people voted for mystery
3 people voted for poetry
how many more voted did mystery boos get than Biography and poetry combined

The total number of votes is 6 + 6 + 12 + 3 = 27.

The number of votes for Biography and Poetry combined is 6 + 3 = 9.

Therefore, the number of votes for Mystery books that is greater than the number of votes for Biography and Poetry combined is 12 - 9 = 3.

So, Mystery books got 3 more votes than Biography and Poetry combined. Answer: \boxed{3}.