Christopher mixes the letters S, E, L, E, C, T, E, and D thoroughly. Without looking, Allen draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that Allen will not select a consonant?

There are 8 letters in total, and 4 of them are consonants (S, L, C, T). Therefore, there are 8-4=4 vowels (E, E, E, D).

The probability of choosing a vowel is 4/8 or 1/2.

The probability of not choosing a consonant is the same as the probability of choosing a vowel, which is 1/2.

So the answer is:

1/2 = 0.5 = 50%

The sample space for a roll of two number cubes is shown in the table.

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To find the probability that Allen will not select a consonant, we need to first determine the total number of letters in the mix, as well as the number of consonants.

Total number of letters: Here, there are 8 letters: S, E, L, E, C, T, E, D.

Number of consonants: Consonants are all the letters except vowels (A, E, I, O, U). In this case, the consonants are S, L, C, T, and D. So, there are 5 consonants.

To calculate the probability, we divide the number of favorable outcomes (not selecting a consonant) by the total number of outcomes (selecting any letter).

Number of favorable outcomes: Since Allen should not select a consonant, the favorable outcomes are the vowels. In this case, the vowels are E and E. So, the number of favorable outcomes is 2.

Total number of outcomes: The total number of outcomes is the total number of letters in the mix, which is 8.

Now we can calculate the probability:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of outcomes
= 2 / 8
= 1/4

To express this as a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator:
Probability = 0.25

To express this as a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100:
Probability = 0.25 * 100
= 25%

Therefore, the probability that Allen will not select a consonant is 1/4, 0.25, or 25%.