State the law of attraction

State the law of repulsion

The law of attraction states that like attracts like, meaning positive thoughts and energy attract positive experiences and negative thoughts and energy attract negative experiences.

The law of repulsion states that opposites repel each other, meaning contradictory or opposing thoughts and energy create resistance and push away each other.

The Law of Attraction states that individuals attract positive or negative experiences into their lives based on their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It suggests that like attracts like, meaning that if a person focuses on positive thoughts and emotions, they will attract positive experiences and outcomes, while negative thoughts and emotions will attract negative experiences.

On the other hand, there isn't a specific law called the "Law of Repulsion" in the same way as the Law of Attraction. However, the concept of repulsion can be related to the Law of Attraction. While the Law of Attraction emphasizes attracting similar energies, the idea of repulsion suggests that opposite energies can repel each other. For example, if two magnets have the same polarity, they will repel each other. This concept can be applied to people or circumstances where opposite energies or beliefs can create conflict or avoidance. However, it is important to note that the term "Law of Repulsion" is not widely recognized or established as a specific natural law.