A bibliographic Harvard reference of the Book Romeo and Juliet

Write A bibliographic Harvard reference of the Book Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare, W. (1597). Romeo and Juliet. London: Printed by John Danter.

To create a Harvard reference for the book "Romeo and Juliet," you need to include specific information about the publication. Here's an example of a bibliographic Harvard reference for this book:

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Edited by Jill L. Levenson, Oxford University Press, 2000.

In this reference, there are several elements:

1. Author's Last Name, First Name: Shakespeare, William.
2. Title of the Book: Romeo and Juliet.
3. Editor's Name: Levenson, Jill L.
4. Year of Publication: 2000.
5. Publisher: Oxford University Press.

Please note that if you are using a specific edition or translation, make sure to include that information after the title, and if you are using a different edition, translation, or publication date, adjust the details accordingly.

To create a Harvard reference for the book "Romeo and Juliet," you need to gather the following information:

1. Author(s) of the book: If there is a single author, note down their full name. If there are multiple authors, include the last name and initials of each author.

2. Year of publication: This refers to the year the book was published and can usually be found on the title page or copyright page.

3. Title of the book: In this case, it is "Romeo and Juliet."

4. Edition (if applicable): If the book you are referencing is not the first edition, include the edition number after the book title.

5. Place of publication: This refers to the city where the book was published, which is usually found on the title or copyright page.

6. Publisher: Note down the name of the publisher, which is also typically found on the title or copyright page.

Based on this information, here is an example of a Harvard reference for the book "Romeo and Juliet":

Shakespeare, W. (1597). Romeo and Juliet. London: Printed by John Danter for William Aspley.

Please note that the specific details, such as the edition and publisher, may vary depending on the particular version or publication of the book you are referencing.