Analyse needs and opportunities of flood prone areas to make design decisions based on technology. Create possibilities by adapting or combining known ideas and consider alternatives

Analyse needs and opportunities of flood prone areas to make design decisions based on technology. Create possibilities and consider alternatives

Analyse needs and opportunities of flood prone areas to make design decisions based on technology

Analyse needs of flood prone areas to make design decisions based on technology

Identify needs of flood prone areas to make design decisions based on technology


When did the area last flood? How high was the flood?

9-10 June 2021 - heavy rains (over 270mm in the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne) caused significant riverine flooding.

What were the effects of Floods in this area?

(Damage to environment, Damage to infrastructure, Impact to people)

Overnight, strong winds from the south east, a very unusual direction for that area, gusting over 100kph, brought down thousands of trees across the eastern suburbs, with the Dandenongs particularly badly hit. Almost 400 houses were damaged, 23,000 homes lost power for up to 5 days and around 1,700 were without power for over a month.

How long did it take the area to recover?

continues one year on

What infrastructure is at risk?

hospitals, fire departments, railways, bridges and utility networks (water and 30 electricity supply)

Opportunities - what could this community have to improve their livelihoods. Especially things that can be incorporated into a flood solution

What is the answer for the last question?

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a specific answer as to what the community could have to improve their livelihoods without further information. However, some possibilities to consider could be incorporating sustainable infrastructure that is resilient to flooding, such as green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavements. Additionally, implementing early warning systems and emergency response plans can also improve the community's preparedness and resilience to future flood events.

To improve livelihoods in flood-prone areas like Victoria, there are several opportunities that can be incorporated into flood solutions:

1. Flood-resistant infrastructure: Implementing flood-resistant designs for buildings and critical infrastructure such as hospitals, fire departments, and bridges can minimize damage and ensure their functionality during and after floods.

2. Early warning systems: Developing and implementing efficient early warning systems can provide timely alerts to the community, allowing residents to evacuate and prepare for floods. This can significantly reduce the risk to people and property.

3. Green infrastructure: Incorporating green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavements, can help manage stormwater runoff and reduce the impact of flooding. This approach can also enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area and provide additional amenities for the community.

4. Community engagement and education: Promoting community engagement and education programs can increase awareness about flood risks and encourage residents to take proactive measures. This can include educational campaigns, community workshops, and training sessions on flood preparedness and response.

5. Flood insurance and financial assistance: Establishing flood insurance programs or facilitating access to financial assistance can help residents recover from flood damages and alleviate financial burdens. This can provide a safety net for affected communities and aid in their recovery process.

6. Integrated water management: Implementing integrated water management strategies can help manage water resources effectively and reduce flood risks. This can include measures such as stormwater retention ponds, river channel improvements, and floodplain mapping.

7. Sustainable land use planning: Utilizing sustainable land use planning approaches can help guide development away from flood-prone areas and ensure that new infrastructure and buildings are built with flood resilience in mind. This can include zoning regulations, building codes, and floodplain management policies.

By considering and incorporating these opportunities into their flood solutions, the community in flood-prone areas like Victoria can improve their livelihoods, enhance resilience, and minimize the impacts of future flood events.